A sentence I like very much and which has followed me since the beginning: “You become a cook but you are born a roaster.” By Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.
As a young teenager, I imagined myself as a cook and a winemaker. I used to visit the wineyards in Anjou with my father; the Coulée de Serrant and La Roche aux Moines were the first wines I tasted. Being hypersensitive to smells, the vocation of a nose appealed to me just as much.
After several experiences in gastronomic restaurants, I was the chef of a retirement home in Nantes, wanting to discover the workings of “public” food in France. Of Fribourg and Anjou origin, a former lawyer and passionate about gastronomy and wine, I created “Elle est en cuisine” Sàrl with the aim of feeding the people of Vaud every day.
I am now a self-taught and creative chef who likes to honour local culinary products in osmosis with BSH household appliances!